Client Feedback

Some of the testimonials received from those I've worked with. My gratitude goes out to everyone below for all of the kind words.

Client 1
Scott L. Marsh

Onix Creative

Client 2
Naomi Chanelle

Doctor, Speaker and Coach

Client 3
Corrado Milano

CEO, Fintech

Client 1
Peter Wilson

IT Professional & Business Owner

Client 2
Lisa Tray


After only a couple of sessions, Srinivas Saripalli helped me obtain the clarity and courage to entirely rethink my approach to my work, and I've made more progress in the six months since then than I did in the six years prior to that..

Testimonial Author 2
Naomi ChanelleDoctor, Speaker and Coach
Testimonial Author 1

Thanks to Srinivas's coaching, I was able to achieve results I never thought possible. His steady encouragement, persistent prodding, and unwavering faith in me inspired me to push myself beyond my comfort zone and accomplish more than I thought possible. Srinivas Saripalli is someone who would be useful to have on anyone's side.!

Sam, Senior HR Executive
Testimonial Author 2

Coaching with Srinivas leaves you in amazement of what you've learnt about yourself as a result of his skilful and masterful ability to hold you in a space that is entirely genuine. You will embark on a journey of tremendously transformative personal development thanks to his profound insights and impressive abilities as a personal development coach. In a coach, Srinivas is the epitome of all I could have hoped for.

Ann Cerovski, Doctor, Speaker and Coach
Testimonial Author 3

Srinivas is an incredible leadership coach because he maintains his composure under pressure and is able to put me at ease at all times. He pushes me to think critically about my goals and where I want to go in life, which has enabled me to gain perspective and formulate a strategy for the future. I never fail to walk away from sessions feeling more inspired and prepared to implement improvements.!

Corrado Milano, Senior Leader, Fintech
Testimonial Author 4

Srinivas has keen insights in human personalities and business complexities, positioning his beautifully to coach both tactical and strategic individuals through professional and even sometimes personal challenges.

Peter Wilson, IT Professional & Business Owner

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Testimonial Author 6

When I was just laid off from my work, Srinivas cheered me up. I was able to see things more clearly because to his support, and he encouraged me to pursue opportunities outside of my current field. During our sessions, he reassured me that no matter how difficult things seemed at the time, everything would eventually work out as long as I maintained a level of emotional, mental, and spiritual clarity. Many different aspects of a new employment offer I received were discussed. Srinivas encouraged me to persevere in my pursuit of a new employment, and I'm grateful for his role in my recent success.

Eric O., Business Development Manager, Melbourne

Not hesitant to use the occasional expletive and frequently extremely funny, he doesn't mince words, but he is also completely competent and hugely helpful when it comes to expressing your beliefs and goals, which is why I don't think I would have considered a Life Coach if Srinivas Saripalli weren't around. Srinivas helped me see my profession in a new light after only a few sessions, and I've made greater strides in the six months afterwards than I had in the preceding six years. One of the best things I've done for myself was to reach out to Srinivas for assistance, and if you're at a loss, I strongly advise you to do the same.

Jason Bannister, Program Manager, IT Services
Testimonial Author 5

Srinivas's perspective was quite invigorating to me. There was no fluff and I knew right away that Srinivas had something special to give since I could see behind the surface. Since this is my first experience with a Life Coach, drawing comparisons is challenging. What a way to get everything under control! When we discussed the prices I set for my goods and services, I had a major "aha!" moment. Srinivas elucidated how emphasising on these fundamentals, in addition to other considerations, would prove beneficial to my pricing strategy. I hope to work with Srinivas again, and I highly recommend him to anyone who is serious about improving their life.

Lisa McLaugh, Strategic Advisor, Life Sciences Division, Kentucky

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