Career Coaching

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your job and dragging yourself to work each day? And you have no idea how to transition into the career you dream about?

Create a Career You Love

A 90-day 1-on-1 Coaching Program to transition to your dream career.

I built my coaching program for the person who is ready:


To leave their job for a career he/she loves with up to a 40% salary increase


To return to the workforce after time off and wants a job that is meaningful and fulfilling


To spend 90% less time job searching while increasing your chances by 85% to land a job you love

Are you ready to transition to the career that has you jumping out of bed, excited to go to work?

In this coaching program, I will tailor to your exact needs, giving you all the skills and systems to land the job of your dreams, and I will help you shift your mindset so that you exit desperation mode and trust your journey to the career you love.

Here's what you can expect, working with me:

  • Welcome packet and a 90-minute strategy session to create your personalized career transition plan
  • Weekly (12) 60-minute 1-on-1 coaching sessions over the three-month period
  • Access to coaching call notes and recordings of all coaching calls
  • Modules delivered to your inbox after each coaching session on:
    • Support you in discovery the career you love
    • Personal brand development
    • Mindset practices that support you in your career transition
  • Meditations to support your mindset and confidence
  • Email support between coaching sessions
  • Exclusive and unlimited access to additional video trainings including:
    • Interview preparation
    • Salary negotiation that increases your compensation by up to 40%
    • Mindset work to build confidence for the interview
    • And so much more!

of clients who hire a coach are satisfied with the overall experience

Coaching statistics. Source: ICF

of clients would hire a coach again and repeat the process

Coaching statistics. Source: ICF

improved their communication skills

Coaching statistics. Source: ICF

What my clients are saying

Some of the kind words received from those I've worked with

Testimonial Author 1

Thanks to Srinivas's coaching, I was able to achieve results I never thought possible. His steady encouragement, persistent prodding, and unwavering faith in me inspired me to push myself beyond my comfort zone and accomplish more than I thought possible. Srinivas Saripalli is someone who would be useful to have on anyone's side.!

Sam, Senior HR Executive
Testimonial Author 2

Coaching with Srinivas leaves you in amazement of what you've learnt about yourself as a result of his skilful and masterful ability to hold you in a space that is entirely genuine. You will embark on a journey of tremendously transformative personal development thanks to his profound insights and impressive abilities as a personal development coach. In a coach, Srinivas is the epitome of all I could have hoped for.

Ann Cerovski, Doctor, Speaker and Coach
Testimonial Author 3

Srinivas is an incredible leadership coach because he maintains his composure under pressure and is able to put me at ease at all times. He pushes me to think critically about my goals and where I want to go in life, which has enabled me to gain perspective and formulate a strategy for the future. I never fail to walk away from sessions feeling more inspired and prepared to implement improvements.!

Corrado Milano, Senior Leader, Fintech
Testimonial Author 4

Srinivas has keen insights in human personalities and business complexities, positioning his beautifully to coach both tactical and strategic individuals through professional and even sometimes personal challenges.

Peter Wilson, IT Professional & Business Owner

Let's start your journey!

If you're willing to try, I would like to offer you a complimentary coaching session or email me so I can answer any of your questions.

Book a Free Discovery Session

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